You're super busy - don't wait in line to order. Text in to 763.634.6311 and we'll have it ready when you arrive to our nutrition club. Bada bing bada boom.
We believe that what you put into your body you get out in energy to do good in the world. We proudly serve quality Herbalife Nutrition products to "nourish the inner greatness" of our clients - so there is nothing stopping them.
We believe that the best businesses give back. When we find success, it's only natural that we want to share that in other ways - through community service, product donation, and more. If "you are what you eat", we also believe "you are what you do (to impact)".
Choosing to be IMPACTors is easy when you live in a thriving, supportive community like STMA. Nothing makes us happier than seeing the smiling faces of our friends, neighbors, and students at our door.